The Chelonians Conservation Research Centre has carried out extensive and in-depth research on China's native chelonians and the invasive alien species Trachemys scripta elegans in terms of ecology, taxonomy, physiology, conservation and management, and has presided over and completed more than 80 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Ministry of Education of China (MOE), and international collaborations, etc., and published more than 300 papers in journals such as Nature, Science and other journals, of which more than 200 are indexed by SCI, and more than 20 monographs and edited books have been published by Science Press, Springer Press, etc. More than 30 journals and media, such as Nature, Science, etc., have reported on the center's research work. Professor Shi Haitao, Director of the center, has been awarded the SOPTOM International Prize for Research and Conservation of Chelonians, the "Behler" Chelonians Conservation Prize, the Turtle Warrior Prize, and the National Award for Outstanding Contribution to Aquatic Wildlife Conservation, etc.
