I、 National Natural Science Foundation of China (15 projects in total, including 1 major project for international cooperation and 2 at the top)

1. Shi Haitao, Lin Liu, Xiao Fanrong, Wang Wei, Fu Lirong, Liang Xixi, Wei Yufeng, Zhu Qingjun. 20180101-20211231. ecological adaptation of morphological differences between the Cuoramouhotii and the Cuora galbinifrons. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Top-level Project. Project Approval No. 31772486. Funding: 610,000 RMB. 

2. Shi Haitao, Wang Jichao, Wang Wei, Fu Lirong, Wang Jian, Xiao Fanrong, Sun Liang, Gong Shenghui, Qiu Zhengyuan, Wei Yufeng. 20140101-20171231. Study on the similarity of body colour and body shape with habitat substrate in the Tetraodontidae. National Natural Science Foundation of China. Project Approval No. 31372228. funding: 810,000 RMB. 

3. Shi Haitao, Liang Wei, Wang Jichao, Hong Meiling, Fu Lirong, Liu Yuxiang, He Bin, Liu Dan, Lian Yunfeng, Shen Lan. 20101231-20131231. Ecological Adaptation Mechanisms of Exotic Species of Tortoise tetragonatus. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Major Project on International Cooperation. Project Approval No. 30910103916. Funding: 800,000 RMB. 

4. Shi Haitao, James Ford Parham, Jonathon Julio Fong, Wang Jichao, Gong Shiping, Wang Lei, Hong Meiling, Fu Lirong, Zhong Qiongxin, Ma Wenhui. 20070101-20091231. Ecology and Conservation Countermeasures of the Cuora galbinifrons. National Natural Science Foundation of China International Cooperation and Exchange Programme. Project Approval No. 30660026. Funding: 200,000 RMB. 

5. Chaired by Shi Haitao. 20030101-20051231. 20030101-20051231. Study on the Ecology and Breeding of Spotted Water Turtle in Hainan Island. National Natural Science Foundation of China. Project Approval No. 30260019. Funding: 205,000 RMB. 

6. Chaired by Shi Haitao. 20020101-20021231. Ecology, biology and conservation countermeasures of the Spotted Water Turtle in Hainan Island. . National Natural Science Foundation of China. Project Approval No.: 30160016. Funding: 60,000 RMB. 

7. Shi Haitao presided. 19990101-20011231. Ecology and Conservation of Spotted Water Turtle and Flowering Turtle in Hainan Island. National Natural Science Foundation of China. Project Approval No. 39860018. Funding: 105,000 RMB. 

8. Wang Jichao, Fu Lirong, Xiao Fanrong, Wang Tongliang, Zhai Xiaofei, Liu Qucheng, Chen Yifan, Tao Xingyu. 20190101-20221231. Study on the Hearing Plasticity of Tortoise tetragonatus, an Exotic Species. National Natural Science Foundation of China. Project Approval Number: 31860608. Funding: 420,000 RMB. 

9. Wang Jichao, Fu Lirong, Lai Zhiling, Wu Hongping, Li Yanhua, Chen Mao. 2013.01-2016.12. Comparative study on breeding ecology of yellow-fronted and Cuoramouhotii. National Natural Science Foundation of China. Project Approval No. 31260518. Funded by RMB 520,000 Yuan. 

10. Hong Meiling, Ding Li, Wang Lijun, Liang Xixi, Xu Zhixia, Jiang Aiping, Li Jiangyue, Li Jiawei. 20180101-20211231. Effects of salinity stress on AMPK pathway and its related lipid metabolism mechanism in Tortoise tetragonatus. National Natural Science Foundation of China Regional Project. Project Approval No.: 31760116. funded by 360,000 RMB. 

11. Hong Meiling, Ding Li, Wang Dongmei, Xu Zhixia, Li Yanhua, Zhang Ke, Qiu Zhengyuan, Yang Jinding, Du Shuang. 20140101-20171231. Effects of dietary PUFA on ovarian development and regulatory mechanism of Ocadia sinensis. National Natural Science Foundation of China. Project Approval No: 31360642. Funded by 520,000 RMB. 

12. Ding Li, Hong Meiling, Fang Zhenhua, Fu Lirong, Xu Zhixia, Ijaz Khan, Zeeshan Ali, Li Na, Liang Lingyue, Huang Zubin. 20200131-20231231. Study on the osmotic pressure regulation mechanism of salinity tolerance in the exotic species of Tortoise tetragonatus based on MAPK/NFAT5 signalling pathway. National Natural Science Foundation of China. Project Approval No.: 31960226. Funding: 400,000 RMB. 

13. Lin Liu, Zhai Xiaofei, Bu Rongping, Wu Shannan, Zhang Ting, Wang Zhao. 20200101-20231231. Taxonomy and Conservation Genetics of the Eyespotted Water Turtle Genera Based on Mitochondrial and Multinuclear Gene Markers. National Natural Science Foundation of China. Project Approval No. 31960101. Funding: 400,000 RMB. 

14. Chaired by Shi Haitao. 2004.09. The 21st Annual Meeting of the European Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EAZA) and the Symposium on Turtle Conservation (Kalmar, Sweden). National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Foreign Exchange and Cooperation Programme. Grant No. 30413342. Funding: 10,000 RMB. 

15. Chaired by Shi Haitao. 2002.01. ‘International Symposium on Turtles (Vienna, Austria). Approved by the National Natural Science Foundation of China for funding foreign exchange and cooperation projects, Project Approval No. 39860018. Funding: 8,000 RMB.

II、  Provincial and ministerial level fund projects (total 16)

1. Chaired by Shi Haitao. 20070101-20081231. Research on artificial reproduction of the Tetraodontidae. Key Science and Technology Programme of Hainan Province. Funding: 80,000 RMB. 

2. Shi Haitao, Chairman. 19980101-20001231. Research on the ecology and domestication and breeding of turtles in Hainan Island. Project of Natural Science Foundation of Hainan Province. Project Approval Number: 39701, Funding: 22,000 RMB. 

3. Wang Jichao, Liu Jinye, Guo Rui, Jian Li, Wang Yongbo, Xiao Fanrong, Wang Tongliang, Zhai Xiaofei, Li Handong, Chen Bo. 20201101-20221130. Research on rescue and rewilding release technology of confiscated and rescued sea turtles. Key R&D Programme of Hainan Province. Project No. ZDYF2020194. Funding: 200,000 RMB. 

4. Hong Meiling, Xiao Fanrong, Fu Lirong, Li Na, Liang Lingyue. 20201201-20231231. Effects of environmental salinity stress on endoplasmic reticulum stress and molecular regulatory mechanism in Tortoise tetragonatus. Natural Science Foundation of Hainan Province, High-level Talent Project. Project No. 320RC598. Funding: 70,000 RMB.

5. Hong Meiling, Shi Haitao, Wang Dongmei, Ding Li, Fu Lirong, Wang Jichao, Lin Liu, Xiao Fanrong, Li Na, Li Weihao. 20190301-20211231. Analysis of intestinal microbial diversity and functional study of turtles and soft-shelled turtles. Project of Innovative Research Team of Hainan Province. Project No. 2019CXTD404. Funding: 500,000 RMB.

6. Hong Meiling, Fu Lirong, Li Yanhua, Zhang Ke, and Yang Jinding. 20130101-20141231. Feeding competition and chemical communication behaviour of alien species of Tortoise tetragonatus and native Mauremys sinensis. Natural Science Foundation of Hainan Province. Project No. 313048. Funding: 20,000 RMB.

7. Hong Meiling, Fu Lirong, Wang Jichao, Liu Dan, Li Gang, Zhou Peng. 20110101-20121231. Tolerance to environmental salinity and physiological adaptation mechanism of the Tortoise tetragonatus, an alien species. Key Project of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education. Project No. 211145. Funding: 100,000 RMB.

8. LIN Liu, ZHAI Xiaofei, ZHANG Ting, HONG Zhen, WANG Zhao. 20190301-20211231. Species Classification and Conservation Genetics of the Eyespotted Water Turtle Genera Based on Mitochondrial and Multinuclear Genes. Natural Science Foundation of Hainan Province. Project No.: 319MS048. Funding: 50,000 RMB. 

9. Lin Liu, Wang Wei, Hu Qingru, Yang Jiangbo, Xiao Fanrong, Sun Liang. 20150101-20161231. field ecology and conservation countermeasures of the Eyespotted Water Turtle. Natural Science Foundation of Hainan Province. Project No.: 20153135. Funding: 30,000 RMB.

10. Ding Li, Fang Zhenhua, Xu Zhixia, Liang Lingyue, Huang Zubin, Lu Yingnan, Wu Xia. 20200101-20221231. Study on the mechanism of ammonia-nitrogen stress on the antioxidant defence function of the Mauremys sinensis based on the TOR-Nrf2 signalling pathway. Hainan Provincial Natural Science Foundation High-level Talent Project. Project No. 2019RC191. Funding: 100,000 RMB.

11. Ding Li, Fang Zhenhua, Fu Lirong, Wu Hongping, Xu Zhixia, Yang Yong, Li Jiawei. 20180301-20201231. Effects of ammonia nitrogen stress on disease resistance and Aeromonas vivax infection in cultured turtles and its mechanism. Top Project of Natural Science Foundation of Hainan Province. Project No. 318MS046. Funding: 80,000 RMB.

12. Ding Li, Fang Zhenhua, Wu Hongping, Li Yanhua, Qiu Zhengyuan. 20140101-20151231. Establishment and Application of Multiplex PCR Rapid Diagnostic Method for Frequently Occurring Bacterial Diseases in Cultured Turtles and Soft-shelled Turtles. Project of Natural Science Foundation of Hainan Province. Project No. 314076. Funding: 20,000 RMB.

13. Xiao Fanrong, Shi Haitao, Hong Zhen, Bu Rongping, Zhu Qingjun. 20190301-20211231. Ecological Adaptation of Body Colour Differences between Aquatic and Terrestrial Turtles. Hainan Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Hainan Provincial Natural Science Foundation Top Level Project No. 319MS047. Funding: 80,000 RMB.

14. Xiao Fanrong, Hong Zhen, Zhai Xiaofei, Zhu Qingjun, Tong Shouli, Lei Jinhong. 20180301-20191231. Study on the camouflage behaviour of the Tetraodontidae. Hainan Provincial Natural Science Foundation Youth Project. Project No. 318QN238. Funding: 50,000 RMB.

15. Fu Lirong, Shi Haitao, Hong Meiling, Li Yanhua, Jin Yinghong, Chen Mao. 20140101-20161231. Effects of yeast polysaccharides on non-specific immune function of Mauremys sinensis. Natural Science Foundation of Hainan Province. Project No. 314078. Funding: 20,000 RMB.

16. Fu Lirong, Shi Haitao, Hong Meiling, Gao Jingang, Wang Jichao, He Bin. 20110101-20121231. Effects of environmental factors on embryonic development of the Mauremys sinensis, Tortoise sinensis. Natural Science Foundation of Hainan Province. Project No. 310040. Funding: 20,000 RMB.