Organized the 9th Southern Six Provinces Zoological Symposium

The 9th Zoological Symposium of Six Southern Provinces (Guangdong, Hunan, Jiangxi, Hubei, Guangxi and Hainan) was held on 23th to 26th December, 2016 in Haikou City, Hainan Province. The symposium was organized by the Zoological Society of Hainan Province, Zoological Society of Guangdong Province, Zoological Society of Hunan Province, Zoological Society of Jiangxi Province, Zoological Society of Hubei Province (Wuhan City) and Zoological Society of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and was co-organized by the School of Life Sciences of Hainan Normal University. A total of 162 participants from six southern provinces met in Coconut City, 102 abstracts were received, and a total of 56 people gave oral presentations at the meeting.