CCTV News: Zhang Ting, a postgraduate student of Professor Shi Haitao, carries out research on the ecology and protection of sea turtles in the Xisha Islands, was interviewed by CCTV News on 24th September 2018 on the theme of "The bright moon is guarding, the family and the country are in the heart"

Report Date: 2018-09-24

On 24th September 2018, CCTV News Broadcast made a headline report on Zhang Ting, a postgraduate student of Hainan Normal University, who carried out sea turtle protection work in the Xisha Islands of Hainan. The South China Sea area is the most important habitat for sea turtles in China, and also the place where sea turtles come ashore to lay their eggs the most, which is in urgent need of scientific research and ecological protection.

It was the Mid-Autumn Festival, a good time for family reunion. But Zhang Ting, a graduate student from the School of Life Sciences, is still doing research on sea turtles on the northern island of Sansha in Hainan. In order to protect the turtles, she has to follow the coastline during the day to put up protection signs at the holes where the turtles lay their eggs; after nightfall, she has to patrol with a torch to record scientific data. While she seldom tells her parents, who are far away in Shanxi, that she misses home. Her family is very supportive of her work. There are at most a dozen people on the island, and Zhang Ting is the only girl here. On the island, she ties her personal ideals to the fate of her country.

Students from the Hainan Sea and Land Chelonians Conservation Research Centre do research on chelonians in Xisha.

(Photo from Sansha TV)

Attachment: Interview link