CCTV Evening News: On the first day of the United Nations Conference on Biological Diversity (Kunming) (11th October 2021), CCTV's Evening News broadcasted an interview with Shi Haitao, head of the Centre, on "We and Our Friends - Ocean Breeds a Rich Variety of Species": Sea Turtle Conservation Reflects the Image of a Great Nation and Its Responsibilities

Report Date: 2021-10-11

      On 11 October 2021, the programme "We and Our Friends - Protecting Every Member of the Ocean" on CCTV's General Channel "Evening News" reported on the story of "Caring for Sea Turtles: Conservation Awareness Deepens in People's Minds and Becomes Self-consciousness" of our Sea Turtle Rescue Station for the protection of marine biodiversity. Professor Shi Haitao and Associate Professor Ding Li(members of the Centre), were interviewed respectively. Professor Ding Li told the story of how the sea turtle "Youyou" was rescued. Professor Shi Haitao said that sea turtles are a world migratory species, and the world's seas are connected, so protecting sea turtles is not only protecting rare species in one's own national territory, but also includes a great nation's commitment and international responsibility. Members of the Centre have led many teachers and students from Hainan Normal University to carry out a lot of fruitful work in the fields of sea turtle rescue, illegal trade crackdown, law enforcement training, scientific research, and popularization of science and technology.

Professor Shi Haitao of Hainan Normal University's School of Life Sciences talks about sea turtle conservation

(Photo by CCTV)

Attachment: Interview link