CCTV's "Life of Science and Technology" interviewed Shi Haitao, the person-in-charge of the Centre, and and his team members about the field research work on the exotic and harmful species Trachemys scripta elegans - "Tracking Trachemys scripta elegans "

Report Date: 2011-11-05

      On 5 November 2011, CCTV Science and Education Channel's "Life of Science and Technology" programme reported the field research work of Professor Shi Haitao and his team members on the exotic and harmful species of T. s. elegans - "Tracing T. s. elegans " The species was introduced to China's market in the 1980s from the Mississippi River Basin in the United States. Although it looks cute and lively, it is highly invasive, it can adapt to new environments as quickly as possible and seize the living space of native turtles by virtue of its tenacious vitality, adaptability and aggressiveness. Therefore, Professor Shi Haitao and his team have carried out research related to the invasive ecology of T. s. elegans in the field, and this programme records the process of searching for T. s. elegans No. 476, which has lost its trace, withProfessor Shi Haitao's team.)

Professor Shi Haitao of Hainan Normal University's School of Life Sciences talks about the effects of environmental pollution on Trachemys scripta elegans

( Photo by CCTV )

Attachment: Interview link