CCTV's "Light of Science and Technology" interviewed Professor Shi Haitao, the head of the Centre, and members of his team about the field research work on the exotic and harmful species Trachemys scripta elegans - "Approaching the Brazilian Tortoise"

Report Date: 2011-04-03

      On 3 April 2011, CCTV Science and Education Channel's "Light of Science and Technology" reported the field research work of Professor Shi Haitao and his team members on the exotic and harmful species of T. s. elegans - "Approaching the Brazilian Tortoise". "In the 1980s and 1990s, Brazilian tortoises emerged in the pet market with their low price, gorgeous colour and easy survival, and the trend of keeping Brazilian tortoises emerged all over the world, which resulted in the proliferation of Brazilian tortoises and affected the ecological environment of many countries, and the relevant institutions had to limit the reproduction of Brazilian tortoises by various means. The relevant organizations have to restrict the reproduction of Brazilian turtles through various ways.

Professor Shi Haitao of the School of Life Sciences at Hainan Normal University talks about the invasive alien species T. s. elegans.

(Photo by CCTV)

Attachment: Interview link