CCTV's "Zhengda Zongyi - Animals are Coming" reports on the Centre's work on sea turtle rescue, protection and science publicity

Date of Report: 2021-09-16

      On 16 September 2021, CCTV's "Zhengda Zongyi" reported on our team's work on sea turtle rescue and science education. In Xincun Harbour, Lingshui Li people autonomous county, Hainan province, a sea turtle was mistakenly caught ashore with its carapace ulcerated and attached to many algae and other small organisms. Ding Li, an associate professor at Hainan Normal University's School of Life Sciences, and her team brought the turtle to a rescue station for observation and treatment. After identification, this small-bodied turtle is an Olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea), belonging to the Cheloniidae Family, Lepidochelys Genus, which is relatively rare in China, and its population is even more scarce compared to that of the Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta). Ding Li and her team cleaned and sterilised the turtle and applied antibiotics to the ulcers to prevent infection. In addition, samples of the turtle's body fluids were collected for subsequent identification and testing, and the turtle was implanted with a tag equivalent to the turtle's "ID card", to be released into the sea after healthy observation.

In addition to the rescue of sea turtles, Ding Li and the her team also contributed themselves into the popularization and education of sea turtles protection. In turtle rescue station of Hainan Normal University, there are sea turtles rescued from all over Hainan. They will return to the sea at the right time after completing their treatment and rehabilitation here. The mission of the rescue station is not only to rescue sea turtles, but also to let people understand sea turtles and the stories behind them. Through the popularization of science and education, the volunteers made more people familiar with sea turtles and the significance of sea turtle protection to marine conservation and environmental protection, so that everyone, even small kids, can be deeply aware of the importance of harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature.

Associate Professor Ding Li of Hainan Normal University's School of Life Sciences tells children the story of sea turtles

(Photo by CCTV)

Attachment: Interview link