CCTV's "Zhengda Zongyi - Animals are Coming" reports on the Centre's sea turtle rescue and release work

Reporting Date: 2018-07-15

On 15 July 2018, Lu Lunyi, an animal observer from CCTV's Zhengda Zongyi, went into the Hainan Normal University Sea Turtle Rescue Station to witness the rescue of sea turtles. The little Chelonia mydas being rescued was found on a beach in Lingshui County, Hainan Province, and its bitten-off limbs had begun to become inflamed, so Associate Professor Lin Liu of the School of Life Sciences and volunteers used erythromycin ointment to de-inflame the turtle's traumatised mouth. When it first arrived at the rescue station, the turtle had no ability to eat at all, so the volunteers injected glucose nutrient solution and sodium chloride to replenish energy and salt. After a period of time, the turtle was able to raise its head slightly and began to blink in response to stress. It is believed that the main cause of the C. mydas' injury was human feeding and illegal release.

C. mydas are at the top of the food chain and are worthy of protection. Maybe you are far away from the sea, maybe you have never thrown a piece of rubbish into the ocean, but the protection of sea turtles needs everyone to work together. Only if we all work together, we can better protect sea turtles.

Associate Professor Lin Liu (right) is rescuing sea turtles at Hainan Normal University's Sea Turtle Rescue Station.

(Photo by Focus Interview)

Attachment: Interview link