A Xinhua News Agency: "Turtle guardians on university campuses", reporting on the Centre's work on turtle conservation by students and teachers. The story was sent in Chinese, English, Indonesian, Thai, and Turkish, and was adopted by 33 Chinese-language outlets, including Xinhua, People's Daily Online, Guangming.com, and 6 other central and Chinese-language outlets. English Version adopted by 8, including MSN, Romanian News Agency, LINE TODAY and other overseas mainstream media.

Coverage Date: 2021-09-03

2021 On 27 August, Xinhua News Agency went into the Sea Turtle Rescue Station of Hainan Normal University to report on the daily management of the Sea Turtle Rescue Station. The Sea Turtle Rescue Station was set up in 2013 to rescue and promote the protection of sea turtles, and 30 volunteers from the School of Life Sciences and other faculties undertake the daily work of the station. The sea turtles rescued mainly come from seizures by the fishery and border control departments, as well as a few accidental catches by fishermen. The turtles will be released into the sea after they have recovered from the rescue. Although the volunteers are reluctant to let go of the turtles, they know clearly that the sea is the real home of the turtles. The daily work of the volunteers includes regularly brushing the backs of the turtles and feeding them, cleaning the turtle pools and replacing the seawater, and even cleaning the parasites on the turtles' bodies. In some cases, they also treat wounds, give injections and fluids to injured turtles. Even during the cold and summer months, there are still volunteers who voluntarily stay here to take care of the turtles. Because in the process of caring for the sea turtles, the volunteers and the turtles have built up a deep relationship, treating the turtles as their own family members. Volunteers work hard for the sea turtles, and their sense of responsibility and mission to rescue and protect sea turtles is getting stronger and stronger.

Volunteers rinse carapace for sea turtles

(Photo by Pu Xiaoxu)

Attachment: Interview linkhttps://new.qq.com/rain/a/20210903A093UC00