Xinhua News Agency: "Turtle Homeward Bound", reporting on the careful care of the Centre's teachers and students in sheltering and rescuing sea turtles

Report Date: 2021-08-05

On 5th August 2021, Xinhua News Agency paid a field visit to the sea turtle rescue station of Hainan Normal University. During the summer holidays, at Hainan Normal University, some university student volunteers chose to stick to the sea turtle rescue station on campus, engaging in the rescue and care of sea turtles. In addition to cleaning the turtles' wounds and feeding them, the volunteers also have to brush the pool once a week to change the water and brush the turtles' shells. Each rescued turtle is implanted with an electronic tag and a file is created so that it is easy to know its individual condition when it is mistakenly caught again. In the eight years since the turtle rescue station was established, more than 100 turtles have been rescued. The volunteers are very worried when they see such a large number of rescued turtles and hope that the number of rescued turtles will become less and less. At the same time, they also hope that all the rescued turtles can return to the sea as soon as possible, and at the same time, they advocate the strengthening of the protection of sea turtles.

Xie Zhenzi, a student at Hainan Normal University's School of Life Sciences, introduces the core work of the turtle rescue station.

(Photo by Xinhua Audio and Video Department)

Attachment: Interview link