The documentary film "Turtle Rescue" - "Turtle Warrior Shi Haitao" by the international organization Wild Aid features the tireless efforts and outstanding contributions made by Shi Haitao, the head of the Centre, for the protection of endangered species of sea turtles over the years

Report Date: 2019-12-02

In recent decades, the population of sea turtles has declined dramatically and has reached the brink of extinction. Plastic pollution and human activities are the biggest threats to sea turtles. Pang's trip to Costa Rica saw the situation facing sea turtles and called on everyone to join in the protection of sea turtles and guard them together. And in Hainan we see hope for sea turtle rescue. Professor Shi Haitao of Hainan Normal University is very concerned about the survival of sea turtles in China. Hainan Normal University has set up a turtle rescue station, of which Prof Shi and Mr Li Bo are members. Most of the turtles in the rescue station were injured by fishing gear or ingested plastic by mistake. Seeing the current situation of the sea turtles, professor Shi realized that the protection of the ecological environment or the protection of endangered species is not just a matter for individual scholars and law enforcement officers, but requires the whole population to strengthen their awareness of protection and to act consciously in order to truly protect the species.


Prof Shi Haitao, Vice President of Hainan Normal University, introduces sea turtle specimens

(Photo by Youku video)

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