CNN reported on 29th August 2017, under the title of "Could rare sea turtles return to Hainan?", on the research and conservation efforts of the Centre's teachers and students on the recovery of sea turtle populations, and the popularization of public conservation knowledge and awareness

Date of Report: 2017-08-28

On 28th August 2017, CNN published an article entitled "Can rare sea turtles return to China's Hainan Island? Its an article on the sea turtle rescue station at Hainan Normal University. Professor Shi Haitao of Hainan Normal University and Frederick Yeh, founder of 911 International Sea Turtle Rescue, have always been passionate about saving sea turtles, and believe that rescuing individual turtles is not enough, its also necessary to improve the awareness of the entire population forsaving the turtles.. Hainan Normal University has not only set up a sea turtle laboratory in Lingshui Village, but is also doing research on sea turtles on the northern island of Sansha in Hainan. The school has even set up a sea turtle rescue station within the campus. Professor Shi wants to pass on his passion for animal protection to tourists and his own students, so that even if they go on to do other work, this awareness of animal protection will last a lifetime. Frederick Yeh, on the other hand, wanted to use Skype, an instant voice communication tool, to give students in classrooms around the world a virtual tour of the turtle rescue site, so that they could learn about the habits of these behemoths of the sea and how they could help them in a proper way. They are convinced that if they keep protecting the turtles, they will one day return to Hainan Island.

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Attachment: Interview link