The Call of the Sea: When will Sea Turtles Migrate to Hainan Island? Reporting on the efforts and thoughts of the Centre's members on sea turtles, marine conservation

Report Date: 2021-03-22

Before the 1980s, there were records of sea turtles migrating to Hainan Main Island to lay their eggs, but in recent decades there have been no records of sea turtles laying eggs on Hainan Main Island. Hunting and killing of sea turtles is the most direct reason for the sharp decline in the number of sea turtles in the world. In order to improve the situation, Professor Shi Haitao of Hainan Normal University invited experts to talk to fishermen about the protection of sea turtles, and even made a request to international organizations to lend them eggs. The failure of the international "egg lending operation" further inspired Professor Shi to fight for the realisation of sea turtle migration to Hainan Island. In addition to focusing on the scientific research of chelonians in his laboratory, Professor Shi has also been on the front line of chelonian research for more than 30 years. Nowadays, more and more sea turtles are migrating to lay their eggs on the reefs of North Qilianyu Island in Xisha, Hainan. What's more, fishermen on North Qilianyu Island have taken the initiative to join the team to protect sea turtles. The northern island of Qilianyu Island gives us hope that sea turtles will migrate to Hainan to lay their eggs, and Professor Shi calls on the whole country to continue to protect sea turtles!

The sea turtles lay their eggs on the island (Photo by South China Sea Website)

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