China Economic News Network: Professor Shi Haitao of Hainan Normal University, published an article in Nature suggesting strengthening wildlife protection

Report Date: 2021-05-06

Over the past three decades, China's economic construction has made great achievements and wildlife habitats and populations have changed, but their conservation lists have not yet been updated in a timely manner. As a member of the Scientific Committee on Endangered Species of the State and the Ministry of Agriculture, Shi Haitao, a professor at the School of Life Sciences of Hainan Normal University, has been calling for the revision of the Wildlife Protection Law and its list, and has been invited by the Development Research Centre of the State Council several times to participate in the revision of the Wildlife Protection Law. For more than ten years, he has put forward many constructive opinions on wildlife protection and made great contributions to wildlife protection. On 29th April, 2021, Professor Shi Haitao, as the first author, published a correspondence China's wildlife protection: add annual reviews and oversight in the main issue of Nature, a top international journal, suggesting that the ‘wildlife protection list’, which is an important part of the ‘wildlife protection law’, should be updated in a timely manner, based on a comprehensive review at least every five years. For species facing special circumstances, a mechanism for annual reviews and additions should be established as needed.

Prof. Shi Haitao, vice president of Hainan Normal University, is giving a report

(Photo by China Economic News Network)

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