Chinese National Geographic: ‘I'll Never be a Sea Turtle Again in My Next Life!’

Report Date: 2020-09-08

With the disturbance of human activities, sea turtles are subject to many threats, from accidental capture by fishing nets to over-harvesting of sea turtle eggs and widely distributed plastic pollution. Sea turtles suffer from many survival traps and their numbers have declined dramatically, but the turtles are still hanging in there. They are eager to be rescued, and they are waiting to be rescued. With a tiny bit of assistance, they can recover quickly. Sea turtles are witnesses to the evolution of species and are marine ecosystem indicator species. Proper turtle rescue and care plays an irreplaceable role in turtle conservation. The Alashan SEE Foundation's Marine Conservation Theme has been funding the Hainan Normal University Sea Turtle Rescue Station since 2018 to jointly carry out the Save China's Sea Turtles--Sea Turtle Rescue and Conservation Project in Hainan Province; and translating and launching the Guidebook for Sea Turtle Conservation to allow more people to learn about sea turtles and how to protect them. The Rescue Station not only makes use of its professional advantages to carry out sea turtle rescue and protection work, but also makes great efforts to popularize the knowledge of sea turtles and marine protection, and regularly organizes Sea Turtle Conservation Classroom activities in schools and communities, calling on more people to protect sea turtles.

Prof. Shi Haitao (middle) and volunteers from Hainan Normal University send rehabilitated sea turtles back to the sea.

(Photo by Hainan Normal University Sea Turtle Rescue Station)

Attachment: Interview link