China News Network: Teachers and Students of Hainan Normal University Built a ‘’Sea Turtle Hospital‘’ to Prolong the Lives of the Sea Turtle

Report Date: 2017-06-07

On 6 June 2017, 14 sea turtles, including red, green and hawksbill turtles, were treated at the Sea Turtle Rescue Station, a sea turtle hospital formed by teachers and students of Hainan Normal University. The 14 sea turtles have different conditions, such as limb disability, perforation of the abdominal carapace, broken dorsal carapace and so on. Through a period of symptomatic treatment, the current physical condition turns  good. In 2014, Hainan Normal University set up a rescue station for sea turtles, and it was called ‘sea turtle hospital’ because of the treatment of sick and injured sea turtles, so that they can return to the sea in good health. Since its establishment, 55 sea turtles have been successfully rescued under the joint efforts of teachers, experts and students. According to the biotechnology students from the School of Life Sciences, at first they were not good at sea turtle rescue, relying mainly on regular training and guidance from the school's Professor Shi Haitao, Teacher Lin Liu and the 911 International Sea Turtle Rescue Organisation. But now, the students are able to take turns observing the turtles every day, monitoring their condition and changing medication and water for feeding on a regular basis.

Because of the heat, the students provide the turtles with cool, nutritious meals such as cucumbers and carrots, and the turtles trust the students so much that they approach and raise their heads in the water. Teachers and students learnt a lot while continuing the life of the turtles.

Wang Ming, a student at Hainan Normal University's College of Life Sciences, introduces sea turtle rescues

(Photo by Chinese News Network)

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