Bilibili: He Shan Loves Turtle Talks Season 4 Episode 8: Professor Shi Haitao Talks about Turtle Ecological Protection

Report date: January 26, 2020

      On January 26, 2020, the "He Shan Loves Turtles" column team reported on Professor Shi Haitao's research work on turtle ecological protection. Professor Shi Haitao is the most outstanding turtle ecologist and environmentalist in China. He has made many breakthroughs in the protection and education of endangered turtles in China, including research and protection of endangered or near extinct species in the wild. Professor Shi not only focuses on China's ecology and turtle conservation, but also is committed to global ecological research and environmental protection promotion. Professor Shi established the first turtle research team in China and has made remarkable achievements in turtle research and conservation. He was awarded the 14th Baylor Turtle Conservation Lifetime Achievement Award. Professor Shi Haitao never stops on the road of protecting sea turtles. He constantly calls on kind-hearted people to participate in the action of protecting sea turtles and return them to a blue homeland.

Professor Shi Haitao, Vice President of Hainan Normal University, is currently undergoing an interview

(Photo by Bilibili)

Attachment: Interview link