World Earth Day: Walking into a Turtle Rescue Station and Appreciating the Path of Love as a Turtle

Report date: April 22, 2021

April 22, 2021 is the 52nd World Earth Day, with the theme of cherishing the Earth and promoting harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. The turtle rescue station of Hainan Normal University embodies the distinct theme of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. Li Meimei is the 14th volunteer at the turtle rescue station. She worked here for 5 years from freshman to first-year graduate. Over the course of 5 years, she took care of dozens of different species of sea turtles, and at least 6 turtles were released after her care. She and her classmates not only have to feed the turtles in a sequence of meat and vegetable, but also use sand to wipe their backs on weekends. This is a simulation of a sea turtle rubbing its back armor against a reef on the seabed. Most of the sea turtles here were mistakenly caught by fishermen and then transferred or confiscated by coastal police for care. During their interactions, the volunteers developed a strong bond with the sea turtles and gave them names. They also called on everyone to protect the marine resources of animals, hoping that humans and nature can coexist harmoniously.

Volunteer Li Meimei from Hainan Normal University's Turtle Rescue Station explains turtle rescue knowledge to reporters

(Photo by Hainan Network Radio and Television Station)

Attachment: Interview link