Teachers and students of Hainan Normal University established a ‘sea turtle hospital’ to save more than 90 sea turtles in seven years

Date: 2020-05-24

On 24 May 2020, Hainan News reported on the sea turtle rescue station at Hainan Normal University. As human activities are intensifying, sea turtles are facing challenges to their survival. In Hainan we find that these turtles that are about to be rescued are either injured or have mistakenly eaten plastic bags. In order to treat these turtles, in 2013, teachers and students from Hainan Normal University formed a turtle rescue station, known as the Turtle Hospital. ‘Danfeng was seized by customs and sent to the turtle rescue station at the end of May last year. He suffered from a serious side-floating disease, which was compounded by the fact that he was unable to eat properly due to the accidental ingestion of an indigestible plastic bag, and was at risk of drowning. Under the careful care of volunteers for more than a year, its appetite has gradually improved and its condition is gradually improving, and the rescue station will release it back to the sea after it has fully recovered. At present, there are 17 injured turtles in the rescue station, due to the lack of vitamin I and microbiotics E, it suffers from lateral floating disease. They usually add vitamins to his food and wear special life jackets to maintain his balance. Over seven years, the Turtle Rescue Station has rescued 92 turtles, trained 44 core volunteers, recruited more than 900 volunteers, and provided 12,600 hours of service; they have travelled to the Xisha Islands many times to carry out research and rescue training for turtles, and to clean up the rubbish of the turtle's spawning grounds and assess the current status of the pollution.

Hainan Normal University turtle rescue station volunteers are caring for sea turtles

(Photo by Hainan News)

Attachment: Interview linkhttps://haokan.baidu.com/v?pd=wisenatural&vid=4262832973455655147