Hainan Daily: Hainan Normal University two teachers won the title of ‘turtle warrior’ _ Sina Hainan

Date: 2019-10-30

On the afternoon of 28th October 2019, China Sea Turtle Conservation Alliance (CSTCA), WildAid and Youku jointly released the documentary series Sea Turtle Rescue in Shanghai, which recognised four ‘Turtle Warriors’ for their outstanding contributions to sea turtle conservation.

Two Chinese were honoured, Shi Haitao and Li Bo, teachers at Hainan Normal University, and Sea Turtle Rescue provides a comprehensive look at the current state of sea turtles in China, Southeast Asia, and South America, as well as the major threats and challenges they face. A series of outstanding work of Hainan Normal University in sea turtle rescue and protection publicity will be shown in the documentary. It is understood that Shi Haitao and Li Bo have long been committed to the cause of China's sea turtle protection, leading many teachers and students of Hainan Normal University to carry out a large number of effective work in the field of sea turtle rescue, illegal trade crackdown, law enforcement training, scientific research, science publicity and other areas. Besides, they established the first professional sea turtle rescue station in China, promoted the establishment of China Sea Turtle Conservation Alliance, and participated in the preparation of China Sea Turtle Conservation Action Plan, which has strongly promoted the awareness of sea turtle conservation among the public.

Prof Shi Haitao (second from left) and Mr Li Bo (second from right) of Hainan Normal University were honoured as ‘Turtle Warriors’.

(Provided by Hainan Normal University)

Attachment: Interview linkhttp://hainan.sina.com.cn/news/hnyw/2019-10-30/detail-iicezuev5792817.shtml?from=hainan_ydph