Sina Hainan: Professor Shi Haitao of Hainan Normal University's Research Results Selected as ESI Highly Cited Paper

Date: 2020-11-02

On 2nd November 2020, Sina Hainan reported that Professor Shi Haitao's research results from Hainan Normal University were selected as an ESI Highly Cited Paper. Global Conservation Status of Turtles and Tortoises (Order Testudines) was selected as one of the ESI highly cited papers, which has received wide attention from scholars in the industry. The research results were completed by Professor Shi Haitao of the Department of Ecology, Hainan Normal University, in collaboration with a number of international research institutions, and published in December 2018 in the international journal Chelonian Conservation and Biology . The study analysed the endangered status of 360 species of turtles and tortoises in the world, and found that 56% of the species are in danger of extinction, making them one of the most endangered taxa in the world, second only to primates. The results of the team have been reported by Nature, Science and other international journals, and won two international awards for turtle conservation, namely SOPTOM (France) and BHLER (USA). In addition, the students under the guidance of the team have won more than ten national awards and honours, such as the China Youth Science and Technology Innovation Award, Xiaoping Science and Technology Innovation Team, and the Gold Medal of China Youth Volunteer Service Project Competition.

Professor Shi Haitao of Hainan Normal University's research results were selected as an ESI Highly Cited Paper.

(Photo by Sina Hainan)