Hainan Daily: Sea Turtle Science Open Day at Hainan Normal University

Report Date: 2017-01-31

On 31st January 2017, the public is visiting to learn about sea turtles in the ecological garden of the College of Life Sciences of Hainan Normal University. On the same day, Hainan Normal University College of Life Sciences Eco-park held a sea turtle science open day activities, many children visited the Chelonia mydas, Caretta caretta and hawksbill turtles that have been rescued in recent years accompanied by their parents, and the teachers of the college also highlighted to the public the basic knowledge of the sea turtles and rescued the sea turtles of some touching stories.

Hainan citizens are visiting the sea turtles sea turtles

(Photo by Song Guoqiang)

Attachment: Interview linkhttp://www.hinews.cn/news/system/2017/01/31/030954869.shtml