Haikou Daily Teenager Reporter: Teenager Reporters Join Volunteer Sea Turtle Rescue to Guard Nature's Colourful World

Report Date: 2019-12-08

On 7 December 2019, Hainan Normal University (HNU) and Haikou Daily Newspaper Teenager Reporter Group jointly hosted the ‘Protecting Sea Turtles, You and I Work Together’ themed activity at Hainan Normal University (HNU). The main purpose of this activity is to let teenager reporters get close to the sea turtles, understand the protection status of sea turtles, enhance their awareness of wildlife protection, so that more volunteers to join the ranks of ecological environmental protection. In the afternoon, the volunteers of the turtle rescue station led the parents and teenager reporters to visit the Biodiversity Museum, the Turtle Museum and the Ecological Park. After the visit, parents and teenager journalists shared their feelings, and teenager journalist Li Yuheng concluded that the protection of biodiversity is closely related to the survival and development of every citizen, and as a teenager journalist, we need to have the spirit of news dissemination and actively participate in the protection of biodiversity, so as to make our own contribution to the homeland that we rely on for our survival. At the activity site, parents said that this activity is very meaningful, not only let parents and teenager journalists understand the biodiversity, but also let them grow their knowledge and realise the importance of protecting the ecological environment.

Volunteers from the College of Life Sciences of Hainan Normal University and the teenager reporters.

(Photo by Haikou Daily Teenager Reporter)

Attachment: Interview linkhttps://www.sohu.com/a/359155272_99908311