Hainan Network Radio and Television Station: Haishi Ecological Park opens up to society, turtles have their own stories

Report date: October 29, 2017

       On October 29, 2017, Hainan Network Radio and Television Station reported on the "story" behind sea turtles. With the intensification of human activities, the survival of sea turtles is facing challenges. In Hainan, we found that these sea turtles that were about to be rescued were either injured or had accidentally eaten plastic bags. In order to treat these turtles, in 2013, teachers and students from Hainan Normal University established a turtle rescue station, known as the Turtle Hospital. Danfeng "was seized by customs and delivered to a turtle rescue station at the end of May last year. It suffers from severe lateral buoyancy disease, coupled with ingestion of indigestible plastic bags that prevent it from eating properly and pose a risk of drowning. Under the careful care of volunteers for over a year, its appetite gradually improved and its condition gradually improved. After complete recovery, the rescue station will release it back into the sea. At present, there are 17 turtles injured in this way at the turtle rescue station. Due to a lack of vitamin I and micronutrient E, they suffer from lateral buoyancy disease. Vitamins are added during feeding and special life jackets are worn to maintain body balance. Over the past 7 years, the turtle rescue station has rescued a total of 92 turtles, trained 44 core volunteers, recruited more than 900 volunteers, and provided 12600 service hours. They have been to the the Xisha Islands for many times to carry out turtle research and rescue training, and to carry out garbage cleaning and pollution assessment of turtle spawning grounds.

海师生态园面向社会开放 海龟各个有“故事”

(海南网络广播电视台 摄)

Attachment: Interview linkhttp://www.hnntv.cn/video/News/qmtzb/2017-10-29/65669.html