Hainan Sansha Field Research Base


The base is located in Sea Turtle Protection Centre in Sansha City (North Island), Hainan Province, situated in the North Island of Qilianyu Island, Xisha Islands, which is the southernmost sea turtle rescue and conservation and science education base in China. The conservation centre has a total floor area of 789.28 m2 and is equipped with a sea turtle rescue room, hatchery, breeding pool, science museum, data room, conference room and office, etc., which is equipped with a number of functions such as sea turtle scientific research, rescue, rearing and environmental protection and education. .

Since 2016, members of the Centre have been permanently stationed in Xisha Islands to carry out a number of scientific researches, such as monitoring of sea turtle populations and habitats, evaluation of pollution in the nesting grounds, and conservation of genetics, providing technical support for the protection of marine biodiversity and the construction of marine national parks. The team has published 9 papers, including 8 SCI papers, and cultivated 6 postgraduate students. At the same time, we assist the Sansha Municipal Government to carry out sea turtle rescue and care and publicity work, strengthen professional sea turtle rescue and care work, popularize the knowledge of sea turtle rescue and awareness of sea turtle protection, and carry out 30 academic exchanges and publicity activities, reaching more than 1,000 people.

In 2022, Hainan Normal University and Sansha Municipal Marine Protected Area Management Bureau jointly established a "Sea Turtle Field Research Base" on Beidao Island. And in 2023, the Sansha Sea Turtle Ecology Field Scientific Observation and Research Station in Hainan Province led by Professor Shi Haitao became one of the first batch of provincial-level field scientific observation and research stations.

Graduate students Zhang Ting, Li Deqin, and fishermen from Qilianyu North Island took a photo at a landmark

Master's student Li Meimei applies medicine to injured sea turtles rescued by Sansha Sea Turtle Protection Station

PhD student Zhang Ting writes turtle spawning markers

Zhang Ting and Li Deqin explain the turtle protection propaganda manual to fishermen on North Island