Xiao Yunjuan

       Xiao Yunjuan, female, Han nationality, born in June 1998 in Guizhou, is a master's student majoring in animal ecology for the class of 2021, under the supervision of Associate Professor Ding Li. Mainly engaged in research related to the neurobehavior of Chinese striped turtles. 

Educational experience 

September 2021 present, Master of Science in Animal Ecology, Hainan Normal University, supervised by Associate Professor Ding Li. 

From September 2017 to July 2021, I graduated from Carey College with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Sciences. 

Academic papers and patents 

2022 Graduate Innovative Research Project (School Level) - The Effects of Ammonia Nitrogen Stress on the Neurobehavioral Toxicity and Brain Injury Mechanisms of Chinese Striped Turtle. 

Work experience      



Fitness exercise. 


People can have ideals, but they cannot indulge in excessive fantasies. 

Contact information 

Email: 2404161618@qq.com