Zhang Qiongyu

       Zhang Qiongyu, female, Han nationality, born in August 2000 in Hainan, is a master's student majoring in animal ecology for the class of 2022, under the supervision of Professor Hong Meiling. Mainly engaged in animal physiological and ecological research. 

Educational experience

 September 2022 present, Master of Science in Animal Ecology, Hainan Normal University, supervised by Professor Hong Meiling. 

From September 2018 to June 2022, I graduated from Hainan Normal University with a Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences.

Academic papers and patents 


Work experience     



I enjoy listening to music and reading. 


Your youth is as hot as the sun, even in the face of frost and snow, it can melt into sweet springs to nourish the earth and irrigate the countryside. 

Contact information 

Email: 942066514@qq.com