Zhang Ting

       Zhang Ting, female, Han ethnicity, born in Shanxi in August 1994, is a doctoral student majoring in animal ecology for the class of 2020. Her supervisors are Professor Shi Haitao and Associate Professor Lin Liu. Mainly engaged in research on turtle ecology and conservation biology. 

Educational experience 

From September 2020 to present, holds a PhD in Animal Ecology from Hainan Normal University, supervised by Professor Shi Haitao and Associate Professor Lin Liu. 

From September 2017 to June 2020, I studied Ecology at Hainan Normal University with a Master's degree in Science. My supervisors were Professor Shi Haitao and Associate Professor Lin Liu. 

From September 2013 to June 2017, I graduated from Hainan Normal University with a Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences. 

Academic papers and patents 

(1) Zhang Ting#,  Lin Liu#, Li Deqin, Wang Jichao, Liu Yunteng, Li Rui, Wu Shannan, Shi Haitao*. 2022. Microplastic pollution at Qilianyu, the largest green turtle nesting grounds in the northern South China Sea. Peer J, 10: e13536. 

(2) Zhang Ting#, Lin Liu#, Li Deqin, Jian Li, Li Rui, Wang Jichao, Shi Haitao*. 2022. Assessment of trace element contamination in the historical nesting grounds of green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) in Hainan Island,  China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, DOI 10.1007/s11356-022-21057-5. 

(3) Jian Li#,  Zhang Ting#, Lin Liu, Xiong Jinfang, Shi Haitao, Wang Jichao*. 2022. Transfer and accumulation of trace elements in seawater, sediments, green turtle forage, and eggshells in the Xisha Islands, South China Sea. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29:50832–50844. 

(4) Zhang Ting#, Lin Liu#, Li Deqin, Wu Shannan, Kong Li, Wang Jichao, Shi Haitao*. 2021. The microplastic pollution in beaches that served as historical nesting grounds for green turtles on Hainan Island, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 173(8):113069. 

(5) Zhang Ting#, Lin Liu#, Gaillard Daniel, Chen Fang, Chen Huaiqing, Li Meimei, Wu Shannan, Wang Zhao, Shi Haitao*. 2021. Rapid authenticity testing of artificially bred green turtles (Chelonia mydas) using microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA markers.  Peer J. 9: e12410. 

(6) Yeh C. Frederick#,  Lin Liu#, Zhang Ting, Green Robin, Martin Frances, Shi Haitao*. 2021. Advancing sea turtle conservation in the South China Sea via U.S.-China diplomacy. Environmental Progress Sustainable Energy. 3:e13643. 

(7) Gaillard Daniel#, Yeh Frederick#, Lin Liu#, Chen Huaiqing, Zhang Ting, Luo Shujin, Shi Haitao*. 2020. Lost at sea: determining geographic origins of illegally traded green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) rescued on Hainan Island,  China. Wildlife Research, 48: 55-63. 

(8) Zhang Ting, Lin Liu *, Jian Li, Wang Zhao, Kong Li, Wang Jichao, Shi Haitao * 2020. Investigation of beach garbage in the spawning ground of Chelonia mydas, Qilianyu Island, the Xisha Islands. Journal of Ecology 39( 7) : 2408-2415. 

Work experience   



Table tennis, listening to music. 


A flower seed can only be watered with sweat to produce the most beautiful flowers in the world. 

Contact information 

Email: tingzhang1994@163.com