Cheng Kunming

         Cheng Kunming, male, Han nationality, born in Henan in July 1993, is a doctoral student majoring in animal ecology for the class of 2022, under the supervision of Professor Wang Jichao. Mainly engaged in the study of reptile thermophysics. 

Educational experience

From September 2022 to present, holds a PhD in Animal Ecology from Hainan Normal University, supervised by Professor Wang Jichao. 

From September 2018 to June 2021, I studied Animal Ecology at Hangzhou Normal University with a Master's degree in Science. My supervisor was Associate Professor Lu Hongliang. 

September 2013 June 2017, Lishui University, Bachelor of Science in Biopharmaceuticals. 

Academic papers and patents

(1) Ying-Chao Hu,  Hong-Liang Lu, Kun-Ming Cheng, Lai-Gao Luo, Zhi-Gao Zeng*. Thermal dependence of feeding performance and resting metabolic expenditure in different altitudinal populations of toad-headed lizards. Journal of thermal biology,2019, 80, 16-20. 

(2) Kun-Ming Cheng, Lin Zhang, Jie Wang, Chun-Xia Xu, Hong-Liang Lu*. Metabolic expenditure and feeding performance in hatchling yellow pond turtles (Mauremys mutica) from different incubation temperatures.  Aquaculture,2020, 516, 734627. 

(3) Shi-Ang Tao,  Kun-Ming Cheng, Xing-Han Li, Xing-Zhi Han, Ji-Chao Wang, Rong-Quan Zheng, Bao-Jun Sun*. The Thermal Biology of Takydromus kuehnei Indicates Tropical Lizards From High Elevation Have Not Been Severely Threatened by Climate Change. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2021,9, 767102.   

Work experience

July 2021 August 2022, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, scientific research assistant. 

From July 2017 to August 2018, worked as a drug developer at Hangzhou Aoya Biotechnology Co., Ltd. 


Mountain climbing, basketball, badminton, animal taxonomy. 


Love life and enjoy scientific research. 

Contact information

