Hou Xiaochen

       Hou Xiaochen, male, Han nationality, born in Jilin in October 1984, is a doctoral student majoring in animal ecology for the class of 2021, supervised by Professor Shi Haitao. Mainly engaged in animal ecology research. 

Educational experience

From September 2021 to present, holds a PhD in Animal Ecology from Hainan Normal University, supervised by Professor Shi Haitao. 

From September 2008 to June 2011, I obtained a Master's degree in Electronic Information Engineering from Beihang University under the supervision of Professor Chen. From September 2003 to June 2008, I obtained a Bachelor's degree in Electronic Information Engineering from Beihang University. 

Academic papers and patents


Work experience

From September 2011 to August 2021, worked as a Deputy Senior Engineer at Tonghua Radio and Television Station in Jilin Province. 


I enjoy raising and breeding amphibians and reptiles. 



Contact information

Email: 2357351973@qq.com