Yuan Xiangyu

       Yuan Xiangyu, male, Han nationality, born in February 1995 in Puyang City, Henan Province, is a doctoral student majoring in animal ecology for the class of 2022, under the supervision of Professor Shi Haitao. 

Educational experience 

From September 2022 to present, holds a PhD in Animal Ecology from Hainan Normal University, supervised by Professor Shi Haitao. 

From September 2019 to June 2022, I studied Animal Ecology at Henan Normal University, with a Master's degree in Science and supervised by Professor Zhang Lixia. 

September 2014 June 2018, Jilin University of Chemical Technology, majoring in Environmental Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering. 

Academic papers and patents 

(1) Lixia Zhang, Xiangyu Yuan, Yongsun Sheng, Fei Yu, Xiaohong Chen and Dingqi Rao. 2020. Strong Limb Tactics of the Boulenger’s Lazy Toad, Scutiger boulengeri: Inferred from Limb Muscles[J].  Asian Herpetological Research, 11(4): 360-364. 

(2) Lixia Zhang, Xiangyu Yuan, Yongsun Sheng, Xueting Zhong, Xiaohong Chen, Fei Yu, Jiahong Liao, Zhenhao Liu and Wei Chen. 2020. No male preference for large females in the Asian common toad (Duttaphrynus melanostictus): Effect of the sex ratio and breeding system[J].  Asian Herpetological Research, 11(4): 328-334. 

(3) Lixia Zhang, YongRi Sheng, Xiangyu Yuan, Xueting Zhong and Xiaohong Chen. 2020. A skeletochronological estimation of age structure of a population of the paddy frog, Fejervarya multistriata, from the central east of China[J].  Animal Biology, 71(1): 103-113. 

(4) Lixia Zhang, Yongsun Sheng, Xiangyu Yuan, Fei Yu, Xueting Zhong, Jiahong Liao, Zhenhao Liu and Wei Chen. 2020. Proximate mechanisms responsible for random mating by size in the Himalayan toad Duttaphrynus himalayanus[J].  Animal Biology, 71(2):183-195. 

(5) Lixia Zhang, Yongsun Sheng, Xiangyu Yuan, Fei Yu, Xueting Zhong and Xiaohong Chen. 2020. Sexual dimorphism in Scutiger boulengeri, an endemic toad from the Tibetan Plateau[J].  Animal Biology, 70(4): 445-457. 

(6) Zhang Lixia, Sheng Yongsun, Yuan Xiangyu, Antong, Liu Zhenhao, Liao Jiahong, Chen Wei Black Orbited Toad Found in Xiachayu Town, Linzhi, Xizang [J] Journal of Zoology, 2019, 54 (06): 901 

Work experience 





Where there is a will, there is a way. 

Contact information 

Email: August_yxy@163.com