Qin Yuanyu

       Qin Yuanyu, female, Han nationality, born in December 1999 in Guizhou, is a 2021 master's student majoring in animal ecology, supervised by Professor Wang Jichao. Mainly engaged in research on the vocalization behavior of amphibians. 

Educational experience 

September 2021 present, Master of Science in Animal Ecology, Hainan Normal University, supervised by Professor Wang Jichao. 

From September 2017 to June 2021, I graduated from Zunyi Normal University with a Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences. 

Academic papers and patents 

(1) Longhui ZHAO, Qiucheng LIU, Yuanyu QIN, Xiaofei ZHAI, Feiyun TU, Tongliang WANG and Jichao Wang. Geographical variation of the acoustic signals in the spot-legged treefrog (Polypedates megacephalus) of Hainan Island.  Integrative Zoology, 2022, 0: 1–10.     

Work experience 



Singing and exercising. 


Success is reserved for those who are prepared. 

Contact information 

Email: 20212071300018@hainnu.edu.cn