lecturer Xiao Fanrong
Position:Lecturer, College of Life Sciences, Hainan Normal University
Addr:No. 99,Longkun South Road,Haikou City,Hainan Province,Hainan Normal University
Xiao Fanrong, male, Han nationality, born in 1986, Ziyun, Guizhou, PhD in ecology, master's tutor, high-level talents in Hainan Province.

Personal Profile

          June, 2017 to Present, Lecturer, School of Life Sciences, Hainan Normal University, Hainan, China

September, 2018 to Present, Propaganda Committee Member and Secretary, Staff Party Branch, College of Life Sciences, Hainan Normal University

September, 2018 to September, 2019, Secretary of the Youth League Committee and Counsellor, School of Life Sciences, Hainan Normal University

September, 2014 to July, 2017, PhD in Ecology, Hainan Normal University,

September, 2011 to July, 2014, Master in Zoology, Hainan Normal University

September, 2007 to July, 2011, Bachelor's Degree in Biological Science, Qiannan Normal College for Nationalities, Guizhou, China

Profession and Job Description

  Research: Engaged in the research of amphibian reptile ecology and conservation biology, mainly focused on the population ecology, ecological morphology and behavioural ecology of chelonians, concerned about the population size, habitat selection, camouflage behaviour and the impact of ecological environment on the body shape of chelonians. Presided over and completed two provincial natural science fund projects and participated in several national projects. Published 18 academic papers in Ecology and Evolution, Global Ecology and Conservation as the first or corresponding author, including 1 paper in SCI Region II, 4 papers in SCI Region III, 6 papers in SCI Region IV, and 7 papers in Chinese core. Edited two books as chief editor and associate editor. Assisted in supervising two doctoral students and one master's student's thesis.



Teaching: Mainly responsible for teaching 16 courses, including Zoology, Zoology Experiment, Zoology Field Practice, Human Anatomy and Physiology Experiment and Ecology. Presided over one research project on teaching reform in higher education institutions in Hainan Province and published two papers on teaching reform. Participated in the construction of provincial first-class courses in zoology and ecology. Supervised the graduation thesis of 14 undergraduates in 2020 and 2021, and all of them successfully graduated, among which 6 students got into master's degree. Supervised three undergraduate innovation and entrepreneurship training programmes, one of which is provincial level.

Social Service: Gave free lectures on the museum to kindergartens, primary and secondary school students and people from all walks of life for more than 40 times in the past 5 years as a member of the Party member vanguard post of the Biodiversity Museum of Hainan Province. Participated in the rescue and release activities of sea turtles as one of the instructors of Hainan Normal University Sea Turtle Protection Association. Participated in the 6-episode series "The Story of the Rainforest" of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park, which was filmed in Hainan by CCTV Science Channel (cctv-10) "Geography-China" in 2022, and mainly introduced the latest scientific research results of the chelonians in Hainan Tropical Rainforest. In addition, actively carried out biodiversity conservation activities and has compiled scientific books on identifying aquatic wildlife under national key protection in Hainan Province and priority species for protection in Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park to convey scientific knowledge.




Honors and awards

        Awarded the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Hainan Province, 2018

Awarded the Gardener Outstanding Teacher Award (Collective) of Hainan Normal University, 2018

Awarded the Outstanding Communist Party Member of Hainan Normal University, 2021

Awarded the Provincial First-class Course in Zoology (as the third person to complete) , 2021

Awarded the Workers' Pioneer of Hainan Province (collective ), 2022

Awarded the Outstanding Postgraduate Tutor Team of Hainan Province (collective), 2022