Prof. Wang Jichao
Position:Dean, School of Life Sciences, Hainan Normal University
Addr:No. 99,Longkun South Road,Haikou City,Hainan Province,Hainan Normal University,Office Building Room 307
Wang Jichao, Doctor of Science, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, National Forestry and Grassland Science and Technology Innovation Leading Talent, Hainan Provincial Leading Talent, Outstanding Young and Middle-aged Backbone Teachers of Hainan Higher Education Institutions. He is currently the Dean of the School of Life Sciences of Hainan Normal University, Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of Tropical Island Ecology of the Ministry of Education, head of the ‘Undergraduate Teaching Project’ off-campus practice and education bases of the Ministry of Education, member of the National Technical Committee for Wildlife Conservation Management and Management and Utilisation, a member of the Amphibian and Reptile Branch of the Zoological Society of China, a member of the Conservation Biology Branch of the Zoological Society of China, and a vice president of the Ecological Society of Hainan. He has edited and published 9 books, including Atlas of Priority Species in Tropical Rainforest National Parks and Atlas of Wildlife under State Key Protection in Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Parks. He has long been committed to the conservation of wildlife diversity and sea turtles in Hainan tropical rainforest, and has presided over more than 30 scientific research projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Key Research and Development Project of Hainan Province, as well as three educational reform projects such as the Major Educational Reform Project of the Hainan Provincial Department of Education, and has published more than 100 academic papers. His related research work has been widely reported by CCTV's ‘News Broadcast’, ‘Focus Interview’ and the Central People's Broadcasting Station's ‘Voice of China’, as well as by domestic and international media. He was awarded the Second Prize of Hainan Provincial Teaching Achievement in 2017 (first completer), the First Prize of Hainan Provincial Teaching Achievement Award in 2009 (fifth completer), and the First Prize of Hainan Provincial Science and Technology Award in 2010 (second completer). The students under his guidance were awarded the 9th China Youth Science and Technology Innovation Award, the title of ‘Xiaoping Science and Technology Innovation Team’ for university students, and the Silver Prize of the 13th ‘Challenge Cup’ National University Students' Extracurricular Academic Works Progressive Innovation Award;

Personal Profile

       January, 2022 to December, 2022 Executive Vice President, Hainan National Park Research Institute;

September, 2017 to June, 2018 Visiting Scholar, Fudan University;

December, 2009 to Present  Vice Dean, School of Life Sciences, Hainan Normal University;

September, 2007 to June, 2010 PhD in Zoology, Sichuan University, Sichuan;

September, 2004 to June, 2007 Master's Degree in Ecology, Hainan Normal University, Hainan;

January, 2004 to December, 2009 Deputy Dean, Department of Biological Sciences

May, 2002 to September, 2002 Visiting Scholar, New Jersey Wetland Research Institute, USA.

July, 1998 to Present, Being on the faculty, Hainan Normal University, Hainan

September, 1994 to June, 1998  Bachelor's Degree in Biology, Hainan Normal University, Hainan

Profession and Job Description

        Mainly engaged in the teaching and scientific research of zoology, ecology and conservation biology, focusing on the ecology and conservation of reptile turtles and tortoises. Presided over 3 National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1 Key Research and Development Project of Hainan Province, and 1 Natural Science Foundation of Hainan Province; and more than 20 projects of Wildlife Conservation Department of State Forestry and Grassland Bureau and Central Finance Forestry Reform and Development Funding Project. Published 58 academic papers since 2016; edited 2 books and participated in 3 books. Carried out basic ecological research on freshwater turtles in Hainan for a long time, and obtained first-hand field data to fill the gaps in ecological data of five freshwater turtles, including the Sacalia quadriocellata and the Cuora galbinifrons, with outstanding results, and was awarded the First Prize of Hainan Scientific and Technological Advancement (as the second person to complete). Students under the guidance have won 10 national awards and honors, such as China Youth Science and Technology Innovation Award, National University Students "Xiaoping Science and Technology Innovation Team", University Students "Challenge Cup" Progressive Innovation Silver Prize, National Best Volunteer Service Project Award, and Gold Prize of China Youth Volunteer Service Project Competition, and so on.

 Currently, 2 postdoctoral fellows, 6 PhDs and 4 masters are under the supervision. In the training of postgraduate students, carried out scientific research on Hainan Tropical Rainforest and Marine Biodiversity Conservation, and cultivated the much needed talents in ecology in the process of serving the construction of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park and Biodiversity Conservation. Supervised 6 master's theses, 2 of which were awarded excellent master's theses in Hainan Province; 18 academic papers were participated and published by postgraduates; hosted 3 postgraduate innovation projects in Hainan Province; 1 doctoral and 1 master's degree was awarded the Excellent Graduate of Hainan Normal University; 1 doctoral degree is teaching in colleges and universities; 2 master's degrees were awarded civil servants in ecology-related positions; 4 master's degrees are serving as secondary school biology teachers, which is highly appreciated by the employers.

Honors and awards

      Awarded the Excellent Graduate Tutor, Hainan Normal University, 2022

Rated as the Leading Talent of National Forestry and Grassland Science and Technology Innovation, 2021

Rated as the "Leading Talents" of Hainan Province, 2018

Awarded the Excellent Teacher, Hainan Normal University, 2017

Awarded the "Pioneer in Teacher's Virtue", Hainan Normal University, 2017

Awarded the "Outstanding Young and Middle-aged Backbone Teachers of Hainan Higher Education Institutions, 2014

Awarded the Second Prize of Teaching Achievements of Hainan Province, 2017 (as the first person to complete)

Awarded the the First Prize of Teaching Achievements of Hainan Normal University, 2017 (as the first person to complete)

Awarded the First Prize of Science and Technology of Hainan Province, 2010 (as the second person to complete)

Awarded the First Prize of Teaching Achievements of Hainan Province, 2009 (as the fifth person to complete)


        Member of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Wildlife Conservation, Management and Management and Utilization, Vice President of the Ecological Society of Hainan Province, Executive Director of the Amphibian and Reptile Society of China, and Director of the Animal Behaviour Branch of China.