As of August 2021, 297 students under the supervision of the team have published high-quality academic papers in domestic and international academic journals. For example, many research papers have been published in Science of the Total Environment, Chemosphere, and other authoritative journals in the field.



       The academic papers published by the students under the supervision of the team are innovative and of great academic value, and are at the forefront of research in the fields of animal ecology, environmental ecology and animal physiological ecology at home and abroad, and are in the leading position in the research of turtles and tortoises at home and abroad, which can provide intellectual support for ecological environmental protection and biodiversity conservation, as well as the prevention and control of animal diseases.

Yu-xiang Liu, Bin He, Hai-tao Shi*, Robert W. Murphy, Jonathan J. Fong, Ji-chao Wang, Li-rong Fu, Yong-gang Ma. An analysis of courtship behaviour in the four-eyed spotted turtle, Sacalia quadriocellata (Reptilia: Testudines: Geoemydidae). Amphibia-Reptilia, 2008 (29): 185-195. (SCI收录)....
Hong Meiling, Shi Haitao*, Fu Lirong, Gong Shiping, Jonathan J. Fong, James F. Parham. Scientific refutation of traditional Chinese medicine claims about turtles. Applied Herpetology. 2008(5): 173-187. (SCI收录)...
Fu Lirong, He Bin, Hong Meiling, Shi Haitao. Seasonal changes of plasma reproductive hormones in the Tetraodontidae. Journal of Zoology. 2008,43(3):56~59. (Core Journals) ...
Shi H., J. Parham, M. Lau, and T.Chen. Farming endangered turtles to extinction in China. Conservation Biology, 2007 21(1):5-6. (SCI收录)....
Fong, J, J. Parham, H. Shi, B. Stuart, R. Carter. A genetic survey of heavily exploited, endangered turtles: caveats on the conservation value of trade animals. Animal Conservation, 2007 (10) 452–460.(SCI收录). ...
Gong Shiping, Shi Haitao, Wang Jichao, Fu Youli, Xu Rumei. Report on the freshwater turtle survey on Hainan Island. Living Forests, 2007, 13:40-43....
Gong Shiping, Shi Haitao, Wang Jichao, Fu Liwei. A survey on the geographical distribution of the Tetraodontidae in Hainan Island. Sichuan Zoology, 2007, 26(2): 326-328. (Core Journals) ...
Fu Lirong, Hong Meiling, Shi Haitao, Huang Yuanhua, Zhang Yangbo. Seasonal changes in the male reproductive organs of the Tetraodontidaes. Aquatic Sciences. 2007,26(2):109-112. (Core Journals...
Fu Lirong, Hong Meiling, Shi Haitao, Wang Lijun, Huang Yuanhua. Preliminary histological study on the digestive system of the Tortoise sinensis. Sichuan Zoologica Sinica. 2007,26(12):270-273, cover three. (Core Journals) ...
Gong Shiping, Wang Jichao, Shi Haitao*, Song Riheng, Xu Rumei. Illegal trade and conservation requirements of freshwater turtles in Nanmao, Hainan Province, China. Oryx, 2006,40(3):331-336. (SCI收录)...