As of August 2021, 297 students under the supervision of the team have published high-quality academic papers in domestic and international academic journals. For example, many research papers have been published in Science of the Total Environment, Chemosphere, and other authoritative journals in the field.



       The academic papers published by the students under the supervision of the team are innovative and of great academic value, and are at the forefront of research in the fields of animal ecology, environmental ecology and animal physiological ecology at home and abroad, and are in the leading position in the research of turtles and tortoises at home and abroad, which can provide intellectual support for ecological environmental protection and biodiversity conservation, as well as the prevention and control of animal diseases.

Shi Haitao. The Fate of a Wild Caught Golden Coin Turtle (Cuora trifasciata) on Hainan Island, China. Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter. 2006,(9):15-17....
Gong Shiping Shi Haitao Chen Chuan XieE Caijian Xu Rumei Population density and spatial distribution pattern of the Tetraodontidae in Limu Mountain, Hainan Island. Journal of Zoology, 2006,41(6):54-59. (Core Journals) ...
Gong Shiping Shi Haitao Xu Rumei Wang Zhiwei Xu Jianping Zhang Yunfu. Survey of freshwater turtles in Jianfengling Nature Reserve, Hainan. Journal of Zoology,2006,41(1):80-83. (Core Journals) ...
Fu Lirong, Hong Meiling, Shi Haitao*, Zhang Yangbo, Zhong Changmao. Seasonal changes in the histological structure of the female reproductive organs of the Tetraodontidae. Sichuan Zoology,2006, 25(2):360-363. (Core Journals) ...
He Bin, Liu Yuxiang, Shi Haitao, Wang Jichao, Yang Yong, Wang Yu, Xin Yuanyuan. A preliminary study on the body weight and morphological characteristics of the Lepidochelys coriacea under low-temperature stress. Sichuan Zoology, 2006(2):357-360. (Core Journals) ...
Shi Haitao,James F.Parham,W.Brian Simison,Jichao wang Shiping Gong Binglong Fu. A report on the hybridization between two species of the threatened Asian box turtle (Testudines:Cuora )in the wild on Hainan Island(China) with comments on the origin of ‘serrata’-like turtles. Amphibia Reptilia 2005(26):377-381.(SCI收录)...
Shi Haitao. Distribution of the Black-Breasted Leaf Turtle (Geoemyda spengleri) on Hainan Island, China. Chelonian Conservation and Biology, 2005, 4(4):952–954. (SCI收录)....
Gong Shiping, Alex T . Chow, Jonathan J . Fong and Haitao Shi. The chelonian trade in the largest pet market in China: scale, scope, and impact on turtle conservation. Oryx, 43(2), 213–216(SCI收录)...
Shi Haitao, D.O’Connell, J.Parham and Kevin Buley. An action plan for turtle conservation in China. Proceedings of the EAZA conference, Kolmarden, Sweden, 2005: 47-57....
Shi Haitao,Xe She-ke Untersuchungen zu Oekologie und Schutzstatus von Agrionemys horsfielgii in China MARGINATA 2005,6:28-30....