As of August 2021, 297 students under the supervision of the team have published high-quality academic papers in domestic and international academic journals. For example, many research papers have been published in Science of the Total Environment, Chemosphere, and other authoritative journals in the field.



       The academic papers published by the students under the supervision of the team are innovative and of great academic value, and are at the forefront of research in the fields of animal ecology, environmental ecology and animal physiological ecology at home and abroad, and are in the leading position in the research of turtles and tortoises at home and abroad, which can provide intellectual support for ecological environmental protection and biodiversity conservation, as well as the prevention and control of animal diseases.

Xiao Fanrong#, Bu Rongping#, Lin Liu, Wang Jichao, Shi Haitao*. 2021. Home-site fidelity and homing behavior of the big-headed turtle Platysternon megacephalum. Ecology and Evolution, 11: 5803-5808....
Yeh C. Frederick#, Lin Liu#, Zhang Ting, Green Robin, Martin Frances, Shi Haitao*. 2021. Advancing sea turtle conservation in the South China Sea via U.S.-China diplomacy. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, e13643. ...
Pu Rongping, Xiao Fanrong*, Ding Daer, Shi Haitao*. 2021. Progress in the study of body colour in turtles and soft-shelled turtles[J]. Sichuan Zoology, 40(4):469-480. ...
Xiao Fanrong#, Yang Canchao, Shi Haitao*, Wang Jichao, Sun Liang, Lin Liu. 2016. Background matching and camouflage efficiency predict population density in four-eyed turtle (Sacalia quadriocellata). Behavioural Processes, 131: 40-46....
Xiao Fanrong, Pu Rongping, Huang Tingting, Shi Haitao*. 2021. 2021. Application of the Gabor marginal mixing ratio method in the study of animal mixing colour. Sichuan Animal, 40(1):34-38. ...
Bu Rongping#, Xiao Fanrong#, Lovell P. George, Ye Zihao, Shi Haitao*. 2020. Structural and colored disruption as camouflage strategies in two sympatric Asian box turtle species (Cuora spp.). Global Ecology and Conservation, 24: e01361....
Gaillard Daniel #, Yeh Frederick #, Lin Liu #, Chen Huaiqing, Zhang Ting, Luo Shujin, Shi Haitao*. 2020. Lost at sea: determining geographic origins of illegally traded green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) rescued on Hainan Island, China. Wildlife Research, 48(1): 55-63 ...
Liang Lingyue#, Huang Zubin, Li Na, Wang Dongmei, Ding Li*, Shi Haitao, Hong Meiling*. 2020. Effects of ammonia exposure on antioxidant function, immune response and NF-κB pathway in Chinese Strip-necked Turtle (Mauremys sinensis). Aquatic Toxicology, 229: e105621. ...
Lin Liu#, Chen Huaiqing #, Wang Zhao, Gaillard Daniel, Zhai Xiaofei, Shi Haitao*. 2020. Characterization and comparison of mitogenomes of three 'eyed' turtles Sacalia spp. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 5(3):3206-3208....
Peng Qin, Chen Yahui, Ding Li, Zhao Zimiao, Yan Peiyu, Storey B. Kenneth, Shi Haitao, Hong Meiling*. 2020. Early-life intestinal microbiome in Trachemys scripta elegans analyzed using 16S rRNA sequencing. PeerJ 8:e8501 ...