As of August 2021, 297 students under the supervision of the team have published high-quality academic papers in domestic and international academic journals. For example, many research papers have been published in Science of the Total Environment, Chemosphere, and other authoritative journals in the field.



       The academic papers published by the students under the supervision of the team are innovative and of great academic value, and are at the forefront of research in the fields of animal ecology, environmental ecology and animal physiological ecology at home and abroad, and are in the leading position in the research of turtles and tortoises at home and abroad, which can provide intellectual support for ecological environmental protection and biodiversity conservation, as well as the prevention and control of animal diseases.

Xiao Fanrong#, Hong Zheng#, Wang Jichao, Butterfield Taggert, Shi Haitao*. 2020. The relationship between shell morphology and crevice size affecting retreat selection of the keeled box turtle (Cuora mouhotii). Asian Herpetological Research, 11: 342-349....
Zhang T, Lin Liu*, Jian Li, Wang Zhao, Kong Li, Wang Jichao, Shi Haitao*. Investigation of beach litter at the nesting site of Chelonia mydas on Qilianyu Island, Xisha Islands. Journal of Ecology. 2020, 39(7): 2408-2415. ...
Li Handong, Wang Tongliang, Hu Zhenyi, Rao Jingqiu, Shi Haitao, Wang Jichao*. 2020. 2020. Sexual dimorphism of biting force in the invasive Tortoise rufus (Tortoise rufus). Sichuan Zoology, 39(2):183-188....
Ding Li#, Li Weihao, Li Na, Liang Lingyue, Zhang Xinying, Jin Huilin, Shi Haitao, Storey Kenneth B, Hong Meiling*. 2019. Antioxidant responses to salinity stress in an invasive species, the red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) and involvement of a TOR-Nrf2 signaling pathway. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 219: 59-67....
Hong Meiling #, Li Na #, Li Jiangyue, Li Weihao, Liang Lingyue, Li Qian, Wang Runqi, Shi Haitao, Storey Kenneth B, Ding Li*. 2019. Adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase signaling regulates lipid metabolism in response to salinity stress in the red-eared slider turtle Trachemys scripta elegans. Frontiers in Physiology, 10:1-11. ...
Hong Meiling#, Jiang Aiping, Li Na, Li Weihao, Shi Haitao, Storey Kenneth B, Ding Li*. 2019. Comparative analysis of the liver transcriptome in the red-eared slider turtle Trachemys scripta elegans under chronic salinity stress. Peer J, 7: e6538....
Li Weihao#, Li Na, Liang Lingyue, Yu Qifan, Ren Peng, Shi Haitao, Storey Kenneth B, Hong Meiling*, Ding Li*. 2019. Regulation of p53 in the red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) in response to salinity stress. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 221: 49-58....
Wang Tongliang, Li Handong, Cui Jianguo, Zhai Xiaofei, Shi Haitao, Wang Jichao*. 2019. Auditory brainstem responses in the red-eared slider Trachemys scripta elegans (Testudoformes: Emydidae) reveal sexually dimorphic hearing sensitivity. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 205:847–854....
Xiao Fanrong, Wang Jichao, Shi Haitao*. 2019. differences in body size of tortoises and turtles among different habitats. Sichuan Zoology, 38(2):172-178. ...
Huang, Xiaozhen., Xiong, Shun., Fu, Lirong *, Shi, Haitao. 2019. Oxidative stress injury in the testis of Trachemys scripta elegans and the intervention effect of yeast polysaccharide. Aquatic Sciences, 38(6): 828-832. ...